Listen to Kesta read some fabulous stories
When I was growing up, I loved being read to. It didn’t matter if the book had pictures or not. All that mattered, was that it was a good story. If you love a good story too and would quite like to sit back and listen, you’re in the right place. Take your pick from these two sections and join me in The Story Corner.
Picture Books
Who doesn’t love a picture book? Come and discover what’s in this little corner. Maybe it’s an old favourite. Perhaps it’s something new. Either way, bring a cushion and get yourself comfortable. It’s time for a story!
Junior Fiction Book Tasters
Looking for your next book to read? The Taste and See section is a growing collection of book samples to give you a taster of a whole variety of books, styles and authors. Come on in and see if there’s a book here that whets your appetite.
A Note to Listeners, Teachers, Librarians and Fellow Authors:
This part of my website is a work in progress. With your help, it will grow.
If you know of any children’s stories in the public domain (this means published prior to 1925) that you’d love to see in The Story Corner, please drop me a line. These are the easy ones to record as no permission is needed.
Better still, if you are a children’s author and would like to have one of your picture books or the first chapter of a longer story recorded here as a taster for listeners, please get in contact.
The Story Corner is all about feeding the imagination and promoting good books (and their authors) to children. This is how we grow new readers and writers. I’d be delighted if other authors would like to join me in this mission by having a portion of their work made available in The Story Corner.
I’d also be grateful if those of you who are teachers and/or librarians could point students to The Story Corner as a growing – and hopefully useful – resource.
Please spread the word!
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