In the News…

It’s been great to have Marlow Brown: Magician in the Making feature in the news a couple of times recently. Firstly there was the article in Eastsider News back in June:

To provide viewers with the content of an article in Eastsider News in June 2021

Then in July, the book got a mention on radio 3MBS by Julie Houghton in her Book Chat spot. This was followed up in August with a lovely review in the Melbourne Observer:

To show readers a review of Marlow Brown: Magician in the Making which appeared in Melbourne Observer

And a Few Reviews…

I’ve also been blessed to have had a number of other excellent reviews for the latest Marlow Brown book over the last couple of months. Here are some of the lovely things people have been saying:

This well-researched, humorous and clever series by Kesta Fleming, encourages all children to attempt things that interest them, even when they appear gender specific or too hard. Failure is always a possibility, but trying will inspire attempts at other things.

~Anastasia Gonis, Kids’ Book Review

Kesta Fleming has penned her narrative with a rollicking force that keeps her readers in a forward-spinning motion from top to tail. The voice is child-friendly and amusing, all the while incorporating compelling descriptive language and new concepts that children from age seven will be intrigued to discover themselves.

~Romi Sharp, Just Write for Kids

This would make a fun read-aloud or bedtime story—and Marlow even lets readers in on some magical secrets that they can practise at home. Recommend this book to fans of Polly & Buster or Lulu Bell who are ready to take the next step up in their reading.

~Annie Waters, Books and Publishing

If you’d like to read the new Marlow Brown book, 

ask for it at your local library or bookshop, or click on the cover for online options.

Cover Image of Marlow Brown: Magician in the Making