In the News…
It’s been great to have Marlow Brown: Magician in the Making feature in the news a couple of times recently. Firstly there was the article in Eastsider News back in June:

Then in July, the book got a mention on radio 3MBS by Julie Houghton in her Book Chat spot. This was followed up in August with a lovely review in the Melbourne Observer:

And a Few Reviews…
I’ve also been blessed to have had a number of other excellent reviews for the latest Marlow Brown book over the last couple of months. Here are some of the lovely things people have been saying:
This well-researched, humorous and clever series by Kesta Fleming, encourages all children to attempt things that interest them, even when they appear gender specific or too hard. Failure is always a possibility, but trying will inspire attempts at other things.
Kesta Fleming has penned her narrative with a rollicking force that keeps her readers in a forward-spinning motion from top to tail. The voice is child-friendly and amusing, all the while incorporating compelling descriptive language and new concepts that children from age seven will be intrigued to discover themselves.
This would make a fun read-aloud or bedtime story—and Marlow even lets readers in on some magical secrets that they can practise at home. Recommend this book to fans of Polly & Buster or Lulu Bell who are ready to take the next step up in their reading.
~Annie Waters, Books and Publishing
Links to the rest:
Penny Macoun, Children’s Author
Tabitha Page, Children’s Author
Kids’ Book Review (in full)
Just Write for Kids (in full)
Melbourne Observer