Have you ever tried catching bubbles? I have, and it’s virtually impossible! Regular bubbles pop as soon as you touch them – at least, that’s my experience. But contributing scientist, Lyra, disagrees. This experiment is untested by me, so I can’t tell you if it works. That’s your job!
Lyra’s Hypothesis
You can catch a bubble if you have soapy hands.
You will need:
- Hands
- Water
- Washing detergent
- Bubble blower
1. Mix 4 parts water and 1 part washing detergent.
2. Dip your hands into the solution.
3. Blow some bubbles (with your bubble maker).
4. Try to catch the bubbles in your hands without them popping!
Results and Conclusion
When you’ve done the experiment and found out if Lyra’s hypothesis was correct or not, feel free to share your results (what happened) and conclusion (what you found out) by telling us about it in the comment box below.
That was so fun!
Glad to hear it, Charlotte!
I have tried this experiment and i really enjoyed it especially the part when all the bubbles landed on top of each other.
First, I followed the steps Lyra put. Then I attempted to try catch the bubbles with dry hands (and that didn’t work). After that I did it with soapy hands and it did work.
Glad to hear it worked for you! Thanks for testing it out. 🙂
First I tried catching a bubble without soapy hands and the bubbles popped on my hand.
Then I tried with soapy hands and I caught loads of bubbles. You can catch bubbles with soapy hands but you can’t without soapy hands. The more bubbles you get, the bigger the first bubble gets that was on your hand. Another bubble blends in with it.
I also learnt don’t put bubble mixture in your eyes! Cos my older brother did!
Wow, Maia! You’re certainly working your way through the experiments today! I still haven’t tried this one myself, but after reading your results, I think I’m going to have to. I like the idea of growing your first bubble the more your collect. I wonder if there’s a maximum size a bubble can be… Good tip about not getting the mixture in your eyes too. I will be careful not to!